How Does the Weather Affect Your Septic Tank and System?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

You’re not alone if you don’t quite understand all of the intricacies behind how septic systems work. You probably have a general understanding of how it works, the basic parts of a tank and drain field, and you probably know that your septic tank should be cleaned out every few years. Other than that, you generally don’t pay it much attention – until there’s a problem.

But did you know that some septic system problems could be brought to the surface due to the weather?

Heavy Rain Can Flood Your Drain Field

One of your septic system’s most important parts is the drain field (or leach field), and heavy rains can cause some serious issues with it. A drain field is the last part of a septic system and is extremely important in removing contaminants and impurities from wastewater.

Heavy rain can cause the water from the drain field to travel backward, moving through your pipes and into the toilets and drains inside your house. Flooded drain fields can also send untreated sewage into the groundwater and local bodies of water, which can lead to environmental contamination.

During times of heavy rain, it’s important to watch for signs of stress on the drain field. Try to ensure that your gutters and surrounding runoff gutters are not sending more water into the area.

Also, it’s important to be conscious of your water consumption during these times. Combine laundry loads and take shorter showers to reduce the amount of water you use.

Winter Weather Can Be Harsh on Septic Systems

Low temperatures make it difficult for your septic tank’s bacteria to survive. This bacteria is a crucial aspect of how septic tanks function. It uses microscopic bacteria to physically digest the waste so that only water and carbon dioxide are left. Whatever waste is left behind settles to the bottom of the tank as sludge, and if there aren’t enough bacteria, the sludge can build up and cause issues.

Unfortunately, the bacteria in septic tanks are sensitive to temperature and tend to slow down or even stop when the temperatures plunge below about 50°F. Combine this with the increased load placed on your septic system during the winter months due to house guests and fatty foods, and you could run into some serious problems.

To combat this bacteria shortage, you may need to supplement more into your system.

As always, if you believe there’s a problem with your septic system, it’s important to get advice from an expert as soon as possible. At Honey-Wagon, we deliver experienced, quality workmanship that will provide you with a clean and healthy septic system. Don’t wait until your toilets and showers are backing up. Avoid disruption in your home or business by getting your septic tank pumped today.

Give us a call today at 913-681-3563 to schedule an appointment for our Kansas office or 816-525-5100 for our Missouri office.

Honey-Wagon 10/13/2022